Are Crocs Bad for Your Feet

 5) Wash your feet. Just kidding. But seriously though, if you’ve got smelly feet the first place you should look is between your toes. Whether it’s dry skin or sweaty summertime toes, if you want to keep them fresh and dry wash them at least once a day. Even if you don’t have time, it doesn’t hurt to make some room in your schedule for a quick scrub-down with warm water and soap at least every couple of days or so.

6) Keep your shoes out of the sun. If you don’t want your shoes to dry up and melt into worthless piles of plastic, make sure you put them in a cool, dark place. Or, if it’s summertime and they are already in the sun; sweep them off with a leaf blower every once in a while.

7) Avoid smelly foods. Okay, we know this might sound obvious, but we’re not kidding around here. Acids like garlic and citrus fruits can make your feet stink even worse than they already do after a long day without washing, which is really saying something because – as much as we love our crocs – nobody likes smelly feet.

Why do my Crocs smell so bad?

Did you know that Crocs footwear is made from a material called Croslite? There are a couple of reasons why your Crocs may be making your feet stink because it's the material they're made from.

First, because Croslite is porous and absorbent, it can retain smells. In other words, if you wear your Crocs all day long and then take them off at night, the materials will have absorbed all of the sweat and bacteria that live on your skin. That means when you put them on in the morning to head to work or school, there will be plenty of smells for people nearby to experience firsthand.

Here are some tips to keep your Crocs from smelling:

1. Wear Crocs for about a week before you start to notice the smell.   If you wear them all day long and then take them off at night, they will absorb all of the sweat and bacteria that live on your skin but leave plenty of smells for other people around you to experience firsthand. So wear them for a few days first so that you can experience the clean smell that comes when they are fresh out of the box.

2. Wash & dry your Crocs as soon as possible after wearing them, & always wash left-over stains with fabric softener before wearing again.

3. Wash the material in cool water with a splash of vinegar to help release the odors, and never put them in the dryer.

4. If you notice a stain, simply wipe it with a damp cloth or simply throw it away and buy new Crocs.  

5. If you smell an odor once your Crocs are on your feet day after day…you might be smelling the sweat residue that has accumulated inside them over time & then transferred onto your feet as they've been worn & walked around all day & night (the same way you can sometimes get an unpleasant odor from your socks after wearing them all day).

Are Crocs Bad for Your Feet? – [The Truth Revealed]

We've all heard the saying "you are what you eat." But what about your feet? Yes, your feet - while on the ground - literally absorb everything. Whether it's a chemical spill at a water plant or toxic sludge seeping out of an oil refinery, everything your foot touches enters your body. And if that sludge has been anywhere near a Croc factory in China, well...

The shoes are made from PVC plastic on cheap rubber soles and can contain lead, cadmium and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastics that have been linked to cancer and other diseases. University of Montana toxicologist Dr. James Dahlgren said: "I wouldn't wear them to play in the backyard." The Environmental Protection Agency recognizes that cancer and Crocs are related, but is still studying the link.


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